Vincent Vauban
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Full stack developer
Permanent contract
Hybrid remote
Vincent Vauban
DĂ©veloppeur Java Spring React Angular Kube Scrum
Full stack developerLille
developer avatar

đŸ‘šâ€đŸ’» Programmeur expĂ©rimentĂ©, passionnĂ© par Java, Spring, JavaScript, React et Angular. Fort de plus d’une dĂ©cennie d’expĂ©rience, j’ai Ă©voluĂ© dans divers secteurs tels que la banque, l’assurance, le commerce de dĂ©tail et le secteur public, en concevant et maintenant des applications et API robustes.

📚 Apprenant perpĂ©tuel, je valorise le dĂ©veloppement personnel et la formation continue. Je suis certifiĂ© en Java (OCPJD), Spring (SCP), Kubernetes (KCNA) et Scrum (PSD I). Mon expertise technique s’accompagne de solides compĂ©tences humaines en communication, travail en Ă©quipe et esprit critique.

🎹 CrĂ©ativitĂ© et empathie sont au cƓur de ma philosophie professionnelle. Je crois en l’importance de relations authentiques et d’un environnement collaboratif. Mon approche proactive et ma capacitĂ© Ă  gĂ©rer plusieurs projets simultanĂ©ment garantissent des solutions de haute qualitĂ©, livrĂ©es efficacement.

🌐 Qu’il s’agisse de dĂ©velopper des services web pour le e-commerce, de concevoir des APIs pour des transactions financiĂšres ou de maintenir des systĂšmes CRM, je m’engage Ă  mettre mes compĂ©tences au service de l’innovation et de la rĂ©ussite.

Professional experiences
15 years of experience as Full stack developer (or similar)
Dev Backend #Retail
Decathlon par Zenika - LilleApr 2024 - today · 10 months

Build and run d'une plateforme de streaming pendant 6 mois.
Puis, build and run d'une app pour faciliter les interactions entre les fournisseurs et les ateliers de Decathlon.
Techno: Kafka, Kube, SpringBoot, Java 21

Lead Dev #Banking
Oney par Alteca - LilleOct 2022 - Mar 2024 · 1 year 5 months

Dev d'une plateforme de paiement du nom de Hub de Paiement.
Techno React Spring Boot Azure.
Equipe Scrum: equipe de 2 a 5 dev.

Full Stack Developer #Insurance
MH par Alteca - LilleOct 2019 - Oct 2022 · 3 years
  1. Development of reactive forms
  2. Development of REST API
  3. Website analytics tracking development with Tag Commander
Java developer #Insurance
Interiale par Alteca - LilleJun 2018 - Sep 2019 · 1 year 3 months
  1. Development of REST API and web portal to manage consents in
    compliance with the GDPR
  2. Development of REST API, batchs and web portal to manage customers
  3. Development of REST API, batchs and OpCon connector to import health
  4. Development of batch applications to notify insurance policy holders of
    health costs refunds
  5. Development of SMS sending providers to SMS automation platforms:
    Novadial | SendinBlue
Java developer #Retail - TourcoingDec 2016 - Jun 2018 · 1 year 6 months
  1. Maintenance of a CRM solution
  2. Maintenance of various applications
Java developer #Retail - TourcoingApr 2016 - Nov 2016 · 7 months
  1. Mission #Retail: Developed REST APIs
  2. Mission of 10 days #RealEstate: Maintained an e-commerce application
  3. Mission of 15 days #Retail: Integrated INPOST REST APIs
  4. Mission #Retail: Designed part of an e-commerce solution
Java developer #Railway - LilleJan 2015 - Apr 2016 · 1 year 3 months

Mission: Maintained a railway infrastructure management system

Java developer #PublicSector - CharleroiNov 2014 - Dec 2014 · 1 month

Mission: Maintained a training platform for job-seekers

Java developer #Retail - RoubaixSep 2014 - Oct 2014 · 1 month

Mission: Maintained an e-commerce portal

Java developer #Retail #Banking - LilleApr 2014 - Aug 2014 · 4 months

Greater Lille Metropolitan Area

  1. Mission of 2 months #Retail: Designed a store employee tasks tracker &
    maintained applications
  2. Mission of 2 months #Banking: Designed an electronic signature website
Java developer #Banking - La MadeleineJan 2014 - Mar 2014 · 2 months

Mission #Banking: Teammate in a services center

Java developer #Automotive #Banking - PhalempinSep 2012 - Dec 2013 · 1 year 3 months
  1. Mission #Automotive #Banking: Co-designed a portlet and maintained a
    bank credit rules engine
  2. Mission #Startup: Co-developed a sustaining development application
Java developer
Gfi world - LilleOct 2009 - Sep 2012 · 2 years 11 months

Hauts-de-France, France

  1. Mission of 9 months #Railway: Maintained an application for railway
    infrastructure management
  2. Mission of 12 months #Metallurgy : Designed several HR applications
  3. Mission of 4 months #Banking : Accredited an EDM bank solution
  4. Mission of 3 months #Insurance : Teammate in a services center for an
    Insurance customer
5 years of higher education
Faculté de Gestion, Economie & Sciences
Master's degree, Computer Programming2009
Faculté de Gestion, Economie & Sciences
Bachelor's degree, Computer Programming2007
Université catholique de Lille
Associate of Science - AS, Engineering2006
  • Spanish
  • English
  • French
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