Test Node.js

Test NodeJS with answers to assess your knowledge and prepare for job interviews. Assess your technical level in 20 minutes.

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Test details

August 2024
12 minutes

This MCQ was carried out by Jean-Marie Cléry, Freelance JavaScript developer and trainer at the Multimedia School. With this MCQ, you will test your knowledge of the node.js environment in depth
This Node.js MCQ allows you to test the following general knowledge:

  • Node.js ecosystem
  • Basic use of NPM
  • HTTP web servers (Native and Express.js) + Socket.io
  • Request / response cycle
  • Asynchronicity management
  • Streams & tools
  • New features brought by ES2015 and ES2016 (+ babel): Promises (A +) : Generators, Modules (import / export), Classes, Asynchronous functions (async / await)
This test consists of 20 questions randomly selected from a database of 49 questions in NodeJS.Discover all our interview questions and answers here
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Test author : Jean-marie Cléry

Jean-Marie Cléry, Freelance JavaScript developer and trainer at the Multimedia School
Passionate about web technologies since my youngest age, I first started programming with PHP, until the "revolution" of JavaScript: a language that definitely appealed to me because of its flexibility and the multiple possibilities it offers. '' he brought client side (gaming, 3d, websockets, webrtc, ...) and server side with Node.js Today, I occupy part of my time with Freelance projects, and teach JavaScript (all levels ) in training organizations the other half of the time. I also keep a niche for active monitoring. If you have an innovative web project, or simply need JavaScript expertise, do not hesitate to contact me!
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Sample question

How to define a global variable with Node.js?

See 49 test questions.

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