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Open to new opportunities
Front-end developer
Permanent contract
Hybrid remote
As a front-end web developer, I immediately specialised in ReactJs.
Front-end developerParis
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Hello, what better than a quote to express my appetence for programming:
"Working hard for something we don't care about is called Stress.
Working hard for something we care about is called Passion. "
As soon as I learned programming, I immediately drew a parallel with my passion for climbing. Faced with a challenge, we must use all our qualities and strengths, and in the absence of some we must develop them. This challenges us and helps us to achieve our goals.

Professional experiences
5 years of experience as Front-end developer (or similar)10 years of experience in other fields
Développeuse Front-end
Ekino - PantinJul 2022 - Sep 2024 · 2 years 2 months

Au sein de l'Agence Ekino, j'ai eu l'occasion de travailler pour deux clients, Hermès et Sodexo. Pour le premier client, c'était une application full React, non destiné au Web. Au sein de Sodexo, l'objectif a été la refonte de leur site. La stack: NextJs couplé à un CMS endless (Sitecore). Création d'une librairie de composants réutilisables avec StoryBook, Typescript et SASS

Développeuse Web Front-end ReactJS
Team'Doc - ParisOct 2019 - Oct 2020 · 1 year

I was in charge of the development of the Team'Doc start up site in ReactJS. I also worked on their Web App and on user tests.

Stagiaire Simplon - ParisApr 2019 - Oct 2019 · 6 months

Training carried out within the Social Innovation Accelerator 21 of the Cross

Praticienne de Santé Naturopathe
Naturopathie & Hypnose - FontainebleauSep 2014 - Sep 2018 · 4 years

Paris Region, France
Home consultations in the field of Naturopathy which constitutes
a comprehensive approach to health. We are interested in the causes of disease
whether physical, emotional or mental. We accompany
people towards a self-healing approach through several
techniques (food: qualitative and lively; physical activity: that which is
corresponds to the problem; personal development: various

Agent administratif
LADOM - Saint-DenisJun 2010 - Jul 2012 · 2 years 1 month

Reunion Island
Launch of Territorial Continuity Support: air ticket assistance for
any Reunionese wishing to travel to mainland France.

Visiteuse Médicale
PIERRE FABRE MEDICAMENT PRODUCTION - ToulouseSep 2008 - Sep 2009 · 1 year

I worked for Laboratoires Pierre Fabre and I visited the doctors to introduce them to the panel of pharmaceutical products.

3 years of higher education
« Développer des sites web accessibles » (RGAA 4) -
L'École Multimédia
Bachelor développement web, Programmation / développeur informatique, général2020
Université Paul Sabatier Toulouse III
Licence professionnelle Visite Médicale, Industrie Pharmaceutique2009
Interested by...GraphQL, TypeScript
  • English
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